Louder Than Sound track by track
'Louder Than Sound' out 27th October
Solomon's Tump 20th Anniversary Edition
Plainsongs: History
New CD Plainsongs available for Pre-Order now
Happy 80th Birthday, Sir Paul!
The Book On Love, Chapter by Chapter
'The Book On Love' published this May
Kaleidoscope Launch Concert and Interviews
On Hyndford Street - The Van Morrison Belfast Walking Trail
"Kaleidoscope" released 24th September 2021 on Subjangle
Happy 80th Birthday, Bob!
'Kaleidoscope' Recording Sessions
Will the Real Blake Please Stand Up
HMS Blake Catch of the Day (Nos. 1 - 40)
John Lennon's 80th birthday - Grow Old With Me
All Aboard! HMS Blake launches 25th September
Farewell to my hero, Peter Green
1971 - "The light that burns twice as bright burns only half as long"
1971 - music's greatest year?